Instructional Support

Adults like us want to deliver better instruction.  To be respected by our students.  To create engaging content.

For many, the only way to learn to deliver better instruction is to mull over their stack of negative course reviews and then try again next time.  Yikes.

Or we can focus on the specific traits of competent instructors in the first place ... then assemble a tool belt of instructional tools before we even step up on stage.

My name's Mike McKenna and for the last 20 years, I've been fortunate to have delivered training to thousands and thousands of high-speed adults.  From the private sector to the public sector to the volunteer sector.

In all that time, I've learned some truths.  Starting with:

I have LOTS I can continue to improve upon!

You see, instructional mastery truly is a journey, not a destination.  Like you I suspect, I'm always learning from other experienced instructors .. both things to avoid AND things to try.

Even though I still gratefully coach and mentor hundreds of people each year, I'd like to share what I've learned so far about being and becoming an accomplished instructor.

I hope that you'll share with me your 'best practices', too.

Join me ... and let's improve our instruction.

Instructional Support Email Subscription

Instructional Support Online Education

Instructional Support Insights via Blog

1-on-1 Instructional Support Coaching

Interested in leveling up your instructor game?  

Contact me below to discuss virtual, 1-on-1 coaching or review my coaching page HERE (opens in new tab.)
