S-CAPEPOD Bariatric Sheet


The Bariatric S-CAPEPLUS is a comfortable and easy-to-use evacuation mattress that can help safely remove an immobile individual in case of fire or another event.

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Bacteria free

The cloth protects people against the danger of bacteria.

Fire retardant

Produced with fire retardant yarns to ensure fire retardancy.

Fits these mattresses

Width: 100 – 125 centimeter | Maximum length: 216 centimeter
Width: 39″ – 49″ | Maximum length: 85″

Tensile strength

The pulling straps were safely tested up to 5000 kg / 770 st.

Conformitée Européenne & ISO mark

Produced in alliance with the European law and ISO standards.

Weight capacity

300 kg / 660 lbs


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