Are you a responder who wants to transform from a good communicator to a great communicator? Great response leaders are defined by several traits … with “great communicator” being near the top of the list. True … but communicating information is also a 2-way street. The listener must also reply in a comprehensive way for the communication

How Leaders Quickly & Effectively Improve 2-way Communication

When I first started instructing for a living (versus as an occasional sideline), I was eager and intensely interested in sharing what I knew. Every moment was a teaching moment! On one hand, that’s swell. But sometimes, not-so-much. Let me explain. During a course where 2 or 3 or more of us would be delivering a course,

Stepping On or Stepping Out? Rules for Classroom Etiquette.

I’ve been on the road a lot this year, gratefully, delivering lots of different courses to lots of different folks. It’s an honor and privilege to be able to share what I know to help others. It’s also how I stay sharp on each topic as well as learn from other instructors. In between deliveries, it’s easy

Build a More Accurate Instructor Resume

In subscriber surveys, I heard from a high percentage of folks the desire to build a better course for instruction. Let’s tackle that head on by identifying two (2) of the most common instructional design methods.   Then, I’ll share a simpler and more universal approach that I’ve had great success with. Gagne’s 9-Steps of Instruction:Gaining the learner’s attention

How to Design and Instruct a Successful Course

… Or should we even reward folks at all? After being bombarded with the ‘everyone earns a ribbon’ strategy, a little balance may be in order. First, here are some simple formulas:1E=1R ($1 worth of effort = $1 worth of pay/reward) 2E=2R ($2 or more worth of effort = $2 or more worth of pay/reward) And so

How and When to Reward People and Teams … and When NOT to.

Building TrustHaving someone’s trust is kind of like having a winning lottery ticket … either you have it, or you don’t. Here’s a simple jump start to building trust, especially when you’re new to the team: Win! Yep, find a few simple and quantifiable problems that are currently impacting your team and solve it.  Building trust doesn’t have

Building Trust By Doing 1 Simple Thing

By asking the right questions, leaders at every level can engage followers and achieve greater success. Click to learn 5 Questions to Earn the Best Results.

The 5 Best Questions to Earn the Best Results

How soon is it too soon to start thinking about your legacy? Are you going to wait until you near the end of your career and then try to cram in a bunch of noble gestures before receiving your proverbial gold watch? Or are you building the ladder now to enable future leaders to climb

Is it Too Soon to Establish Your Legacy?

If leadership was easy, everyone would be doing it, right? But it’s not easy … and clearly, not everyone is doing it! Not well, anyway. One of the indicators of a leader is how we talk … which is a direct reflection of how we think. Here are some words and actions associated with Response

Words Leaders Use

One the techniques I’ve discovered and honed through the years of educating adults I call: “The Look of Knowing” You’re no doubt aware of the look even though you may not know it had a name. It goes something like this: Me: “2 + 2 = 4, right?” Student: nods approvingly, with a little light

The Look of Knowing