Criticize with CareEver notice that criticism gets a bad rap, generally speaking?   Not the “you’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny” kind, but the constructive kind that portends to improve performance. The problem is that when the criticism isn’t received as constructive, there’s no incentive for the desired improvement to occur. And the whole concept

Criticize with Care – How to get action instead of acrimony

Ever experience this? Question:”Hi, Honey, welcome home. Please tell me about your day?”Reply:”It was fine. The boss was in a grumpy mood. Had lunch with the team at work. Closed the Penske sale. Planned a big conference call for tomorrow. How about your day?”Sounds like a 1950’s sitcom, right? Perhaps. But it also illustrates the ingredients of

SITREP Your Way to Greater Success

Once upon a time I failed as a leader…Okay, so it happens regularly, but let’s just focus on one of them for now, okay? Here’s a story of a leadership failure, what I learned, and how you can avoid the same mistake.My business, TEAM Solutions, has 3 full-time employees: me, myself, and I. When I have a

How I failed as a leader … and how you can avoid the same mistake

Are you a responder who wants to transform from a good communicator to a great communicator? Great response leaders are defined by several traits … with “great communicator” being near the top of the list. True … but communicating information is also a 2-way street. The listener must also reply in a comprehensive way for the communication

How Leaders Quickly & Effectively Improve 2-way Communication