If you’re a leader in an organization with customers who rely on your communication skills to be successful with your product or service, this message is for you:Know who is playing in your ballpark!The old baseball-related idiom refers to the proximity of being correct, being understood, or being accurate.If someone is trying to say the

Which Ballpark are you in?

In 1905 an author named O. Henry published a short story called “The Gift of the Magi”.  Here’s the gist of it:Man and woman are in love, but poor.Man’s most valuable possession is his pocket watch, but not a chain on which to carry it.Woman’s most valuable possession is her long hair, but no combs with which to

The Gift of Intent and Understanding; Part 1

“Oh, by the way … just one more thing …”Often, this last minute utterance at the end of a meeting, doctor’s visit or other parting-of-ways signals the beginning of authentic communication, not the end. Examples: Boss, nearing the end of a routine meeting:  “Oh, by the way … just one more thing … we are closing

Oh, Just One More Thing

Over 30+ years I’ve been fortunate to have gained a broad base of experience in several different industries in both in the private and public sectors.  For better or worse, I also noted that each industry presented its own strategy for developing emerging leaders. Within the tremendous diversity of these experiences and the highs and lows

Emerging Leader? Start Here.

Keeping people engaged in-person certainly has its challenges.  And as more and more meetings are conducted online, the need to improve engagement during virtual meetings has never been greater.In an in-person environment, we can greet attendees at the door, shake their hand, engage in small talk, and put read-ahead material in their seat.  During the

How to Improve Engagement during Virtual Meetings

Building and maintaining a high-performing team is a fickle thing.  A dominant voice, talented team members, and a catchy mission statement are not enough.

4 Key Ingredients Baked into High-Performing Teams

Shakespearean reference aside, the question doth does beg answers to the questions:WHY don’t team members accept the why and/or the objective(s) from the leader?WHY do team members actively or passively resist on occasion?Let’s look at some examples:Example #1Boss: Go move that piece of paper from one side of your desk to the other side of

Why Doth Thee Protest? 4 Steps to Overcome Resistance

Simple definition, okay? Instruction – telling people what to do or how to do it. Learning is mostly pedagogical, which means that learning is directed by the teacher. Coaching and Mentoring – supporting the student’s journey to finding their own answer. Learning is mostly andragogical, which means that learning is directed by the student. Are

Instruction or Coaching/Mentoring?

I occasionally prowl around social media.  Somewhere along the line, the advertising overlords discovered my self-employed, entrepreneur status. My web activity has, therefore, earned me a fair share of targeted ads by people with business and marketing solutions for problems I didn’t even know I had. Many of them have the same general theme: ‘follow, them, pay them

Best Advice: Simple or Complex?

Imagine spilling your milk (or any other unplanned event). Unpleasant, right?Questions That Leaders AskTo move on, Crisis Leaders seek answers to two separate but complementary questions: WHY (insight) andWHAT (action) WHY did it happen? Seeks insight into the disruption but does little to actually clean up the milk.Why is backward facing – looks at cause, effect and origin. Why is historic

Questions That Leaders Ask