Disaster and Emergency DeclarationsImagine this … a global pandemic is impacting the entire country (USA).  You see news reports that several governors and the president “declares a national emergency.”The declaration is simply the government recognizing that there’s an emergency at-hand and are saying: “help is needed.”Not hyperbole either … it’s been our country’s procedure since

Disaster Declarations and Emergency Powers Simplified

Johnny Dangerous … cool name. Cool Hand Luke … cool name. Henry Herpes … not so cool name (especially if your real name is Henry). Names can matter.  If you’re ever going to be in the business of naming a crisis, this article is for you.5 quick Case Studies and then a solution.  Let’s begin.The Weather ChannelIn 2011,

What’s in a Name? Crisis Edition

If you opened this link based on the title alone, you either like butter or have time on your hands? Either way, glad you did because I have an interesting tidbit to help us improve our instructional outcomes. If you have a topic that benefits from your listener’s emotional connection, consider integrating more analogies and metaphors

Smooth like butter is life’s lubricant?

Read the news, trade journals, and industry ‘insights’ and you’ll find conclusions that mostly deal with 1st-level consequences and solutions.   Very few bother even imagining the existence of any 2nd-level consequences and solutions, much less, considering their impacts.Here’s a simple example: In 2011, over 40 exotic animals were set loose into the Zanesville, Ohio community by

Special Treatment and Equal Treatment are Different

Building and maintaining a high-performing team is a fickle thing.  A dominant voice, talented team members, and a catchy mission statement are not enough.

4 Key Ingredients Baked into High-Performing Teams

Shakespearean reference aside, the question doth does beg answers to the questions:WHY don’t team members accept the why and/or the objective(s) from the leader?WHY do team members actively or passively resist on occasion?Let’s look at some examples:Example #1Boss: Go move that piece of paper from one side of your desk to the other side of

Why Doth Thee Protest? 4 Steps to Overcome Resistance

Simple definition, okay? Instruction – telling people what to do or how to do it. Learning is mostly pedagogical, which means that learning is directed by the teacher. Coaching and Mentoring – supporting the student’s journey to finding their own answer. Learning is mostly andragogical, which means that learning is directed by the student. Are

Instruction or Coaching/Mentoring?

I occasionally prowl around social media.  Somewhere along the line, the advertising overlords discovered my self-employed, entrepreneur status. My web activity has, therefore, earned me a fair share of targeted ads by people with business and marketing solutions for problems I didn’t even know I had. Many of them have the same general theme: ‘follow, them, pay them

Best Advice: Simple or Complex?

As students we know that not all of the training content we receive is of equal quality.As instructors, it’s our job to deliver quality content that meets – or exceeds – our student’s expectations.One way to measure that quality is to classify each training outcome with actions that range from broad and theoretical to specific and applicable.  These

Using Learning Taxonomies to Improve Training Outcomes

Many years ago, an overly ambitious jet-skier that couldn’t swim, wasn’t wearing a life-jacket, and had been reportedly drinking beer like Cooter Brown drowned in a nearby lake. He was last seen flailing about in the water by the hot water run-off from a nearby power plant – creating a quirky and swirling current – so his body could have

How to Create and Maintain Institutional Knowledge