Johnny Dangerous … cool name. Cool Hand Luke … cool name. Henry Herpes … not so cool name (especially if your real name is Henry). Names can matter.  If you’re ever going to be in the business of naming a crisis, this article is for you.5 quick Case Studies and then a solution.  Let’s begin.The Weather ChannelIn 2011,

What’s in a Name? Crisis Edition

If you opened this link based on the title alone, you either like butter or have time on your hands? Either way, glad you did because I have an interesting tidbit to help us improve our instructional outcomes. If you have a topic that benefits from your listener’s emotional connection, consider integrating more analogies and metaphors

Smooth like butter is life’s lubricant?

Read the news, trade journals, and industry ‘insights’ and you’ll find conclusions that mostly deal with 1st-level consequences and solutions.   Very few bother even imagining the existence of any 2nd-level consequences and solutions, much less, considering their impacts.Here’s a simple example: In 2011, over 40 exotic animals were set loose into the Zanesville, Ohio community by

Special Treatment and Equal Treatment are Different