You Are Unsubscribed

10-4 … you’re now unsubscribed from that sequence of emails.

  • Depending on your other interest groups with TEAM Solutions, you may receive other emails from me regarding those interests.
  • The email service provider that I use does not yet have an easier way for subscribers to manage their interests in one place. (Your interests determine which sequence of emails you receive).
  • Thank you for your patience until this account management feature is added (no timeline, yet!).
  • Until then, if you have any heartburn and feel the need to jettison all future emails from me, then reply to any email or contact me me below.  I’ll find your name and delete it from my system.
  • If you purchased something from me, you may still get support related (service, warranty, recall, etc.) emails regarding those purchases.

If you have another unmet need that I can address, let me know please.


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