Sample Summary

The last Lesson typically provides a summation of the Course's key findings.


  • Depending on the Course, the Summary Lesson also includes a knowledge validation area that either leads to a Course/Module-level quiz or an embedded exercise like below.  Give it a try.


  • Course-level quizzes which produce certificates display a link on the main Course page to the downloadable certificate.
  • However, most Courses are organized in larger Modules by subject area.   
  • Those Modules include a R.O.C.K. Course which includes a summary quiz - or, Reinforcement Of Core Knowledge - that addresses all Courses in the Module.
  • When completed and passed, a downloadable Module Certificate of Completion becomes accessible for the user. 

For instance, this Course will be marked "100% complete" after navigating past this last Lesson. 

When you go back to the Custom Group Sample Module, your customized Certificate of Completion will be available for download.   Go check it out.

[Though the Custom Group Sample isn't, published Modules are listed in the top menu for easy navigation.]

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